The Return of War
Why We Must Learn to Deal With War Again
Those who want peace should talk about war
The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are a symptom of a turning point that has been decades in the making. Increasingly, military confrontation is once again being viewed as a legitimate means of continuing politics. Using this aspect as a point of departure, while also factoring in previous conflicts, Franz-Stefan Gady analyzes the unchanging nature of war as well as the changing character of warfare itself. He explains why wars will become increasingly likely in the near term, why – all technological dimensions notwithstanding – human beings will always occupy the central position in the conduct of war, and how we can prepare ourselves for future conflicts, even if we’re unable to prevent them.
Urgently argues that we must face up to looming dangers and prepare ourselves accordingly
A comprehensive analysis of modern war in all its forms
The author has personally visited numerous theaters of war and is a highly sought-after expert