Jack the Ripper - The Story of a Murderer

Gelesen vonNeil Dudgeon,

David Rintoul


Carl Prekopp

Audio MovieTeil 01 der Reihe "True Crime Audio Movie"

His true identity has never been revealed.
His victims faced the abyss of human insanity.
His name is Jack the Ripper.

London, 1888. In the poor district of Whitechapel, women are found dead, their bodies brutally disfigured. The victims’ ripped throats are proof of a bestiality and cruelty, which has never been seen before. The investigation of the police leads to no satisfying results. Soon, the public calls the culprit "Jack the Ripper” - a serial killer who stalks the streets of Whitechapel at night and viciously kills ...

In this Audio Movie, Jack the Ripper and his story come alive.
Discover the dark world of London in the year 1888 and be part of the breathtaking and heart-pounding manhunt for one of the most notorious and feared criminals in British history. Enthralling cinema for your ears with none other than the famous actor Neil Dudgeon (Midsomer Murders, Life of Riley) as Jack the Ripper!

10,00 €

inkl. MwSt.

Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar



Lübbe Audio


Hörspiel (MP3-Download)




70 Minuten

Anzahl an CDs

1 CD



Frank Gustavus


Frank Gustavus, Jahrgang 1970, studierte Germanistik und Anglistik und arbeitete anschließend als Reporter, Redakteur und Sprecher bei verschiedenen Rundfunkstationen. Nach mehrjähriger Lesearbeit mit der Erzähler-Legende Hans Paetsch ist er heute TV-Off-Sprecher für Magazine und Reportagen bei ARD und NDR (Extra 3, Plusminus, Panorama) und produziert Hörspiele.

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Produktbild: Jack the Ripper - The Story of a Murderer (9783838774985 )

Jack the Ripper - The Story of a Murderer

10,00 €

inkl. MwSt.