Cotton FBI - Episode 08

Killer AppsTeil 8 der Reihe "Cotton FBI: NYC Crime Series"

Digital Series. Episode 8:

Four mysterious mass murders. All of them occurring at more or less the same time in New York. The victims: a middle-class family, a wedding party, a school group, and a police station task force. The culprits: people with no previous criminal record. The G-Team is on the case. Agent Cotton has been looking for a common thread and finds an ambiguous lead: Just before every crime, the perpetrators activated the same app on their smartphones. One evening, Cotton and Philippa Decker meet by chance in a restaurant. Both have been stood up by their respective dates, and they decide to make the best of it and have dinner together. Cotton shows his colleague an app that had just installed itself on his smartphone. Decker tries out the app. And then she pulls out her weapon and aims it at Cotton as if in a trance ...

A new legend is born! COTTON FBI is a remake of a world famous cult series with more than one billion copies sold and appears bi-weekly with a self-contained story in each e-book episode.

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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar



Bastei Lübbe


eBook (epub)




130 Seiten


Englisch (USA)



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Produktbild: Cotton FBI - Episode 08 (9783838748764 )

Cotton FBI - Episode 08

1,99 €

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