Private Desire - Hot Night at the Beach
Übersetzt von
Monica Bay
Teil 1 der Reihe "International Passion Series"
Sizzling love stories packed with erotic suspense - this e-book series features self-contained erotic love stories in picturesque settings.
Twenty-four-year-old Lucrezia loves the nightlife. Always looking for adventure, she lives by the motto: no love, no pain. Her strategy seems to work, even though none of her lovers have ever managed to fully please her. That is, until she meets Fabrizio. Sexy and arrogant, he is totally her kind of guy. But following a hot night of passion, she realizes she can’t just dispose of him. After all, he seems willing to do anything to make her admit that their night together was something truly special.
1,99 €
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
eBook (epub)
Erotische Literatur
94 Seiten
Chiara Cilli
Chiara Cilli wurde 1991 geboren und lebt in Pescara, Italien. Bücher waren schon immer ihre Leidenschaft. Ihre Lieblingsgenres reichen dabei von Fantasy, über Paranormal Romance bis hin zur Erotik.

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Private Desire - Hot Night at the Beach
1,99 €
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