Private Desire - Midnight Kiss
Übersetzt von
Monica Bay
Teil 5 der Reihe "International Passion Series"
Zoe loves her life as an au-pair in Paris: two kids that she takes care for the wealthy Duvilles, an exciting job at an art gallery and a great South American friend. One night, however, when she is home alone with the children, she catches an art thief red-handed. Instead of escaping, though, he looks at her with his wonderful midnight blue eyes and gives Zoe the most passionate kiss ever. Two days later a man with irresistible midnight blue eyes comes into the gallery. Coincidence? Or is this the man who kissed her? Why did he return? Is he still thinking of the kiss, too? And what other secrets is he hiding?
Sizzling love stories packed with erotic suspense - this e-book series features self-contained erotic love stories in picturesque settings.
1,99 €
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
eBook (epub)
Erotische Literatur
117 Seiten
Eva Mangas
Eva Mangas ist das Pseudonym einer jungen italienischen Autorin, die in Pordenone lebt. Sie arbeitet im Bereich der Kommunikation. Aktuell kümmert sie sich um zwei Kinder, einen Hund, diverse Romane und einen Mann mit kaffeebraunen Augen.

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Private Desire - Midnight Kiss
1,99 €
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