Private Desire - Sensual Adventures
Übersetzt von
Monica Bay
Teil 7 der Reihe "International Passion Series"
Determined, bold and proactive, young journalist Sofia Interrante is certainly not the type of girl to beat around the bush. It seems that nothing can faze her. And yet, when the editor of her newspaper asks her to write an article about a famous chef - now considered a sex symbol and never off the TV screens - Sofia feels out of her comfort zone for the first time. The chef in question is no less than Manlio Bivaldi - her former geeky and pimply high school classmate. It seems that distant events are coming back to haunt her, and Sofia wants nothing to do with them. Nevertheless, sometimes life surprises you with a second chance. So, between old memories and new sensual discoveries in the kitchen, Sofia and Manlio end up enveloped in a frenzied passion that takes them both to unexpected places ...
Sizzling love stories packed with erotic suspense - this e-book series features self-contained erotic love stories in picturesque settings.
1,99 €
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
eBook (epub)
Erotische Literatur
85 Seiten
Patrizia Crespi
Patrizia Crespi ist das Pseudonym einer italienischen Autorin, die in der Nähe von Varese lebt. Zurzeit schreibt sie an verschiedenen Romanen und Erzählungen. Neben dem Schreiben liest sie sehr gerne und verschlingt Bücher in riesigen Mengen. Sie liebt das Leben, das Träumen und gutes Essen. Wenn sie wirklich gut essen möchte, lässt sie ihren Mann an den Herd. Private Desire - Sinnliche Entdeckungsreise ist ihr erster erotischer Liebesroman.

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Private Desire - Sensual Adventures
1,99 €
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