Angelina Kay

Sweet Manhattan Fling - Caprice

Übersetzt von

Anna Matussek

A Glamorous Erotic SeriesTeil 1 der Reihe "Caprice: Sensual Erotica"

Maren Janson, a German journalist, is sent to New York to profile celebrity pastry chef Bob Halliwell. Soon Maren finds herself entangled not only in a sensual romance with the sexy baker, but also caught up in the world of competitive baking. When her new beau’s baking victory is in jeopardy, Maren calls in seduction expert, colleague, BFF, and all-round tough cookie Caprice LaCroix to get to the bottom of a conspiracy. Can Caprice save Maren’s lover’s reputation - and have fun doing it? Finding out the truth never tasted so sweet.

--Caprice is an erotic series that follows best friends Maren and Caprice - two journalists at Germany’s biggest tabloid magazine FLASH. Reporting on events around the world, they jet-set to meet celebrities, aristocracy, and members of high society. Maren and Caprice research their stories with hard-hitting dedication and even physically involved...

--Each episode is unique: sometimes gentle and other times a little rough. Different writers ensure each story’s individual flair. Since each author maintains her own writing style, Caprice is a completely new erotic experience from one glamorous event to the next.

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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar



Bastei Lübbe


eBook (epub)


Erotische Literatur


90 Seiten





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Produktbild: Sweet Manhattan Fling - Caprice (9783838759784 )

Sweet Manhattan Fling - Caprice

1,99 €

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