John Sinclair - Episode 9

To Kill A BeastTeil 9 der Reihe "John Sinclair: A Horror Series"

How far would you go to stay alive? How much blood would you be willing to spill?

Dr. Carl Barlow is a renowned physician at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. No one knows that he is dying from leukemia, that he is staring death in the face. He would do anything for a few more months on this earth. In his desperation, he experiments on himself and crosses a line that never should have been crossed. Soon, Barlow’s body is changing and he is thirsty for human blood. As Barlow stalks the streets of London, DCI John Sinclair has to face his most dangerous enemy yet...

Detective Chief Inspector John Sinclair works for Scotland Yard’s Special Division, an elite unit that deals with extraordinary cases. DCI Sinclair is a battle-hardened veteran of Afghanistan, a man who’s been to hell and back. This time, he’s not just fighting to save our world. He’s fighting for his soul...

"John Sinclair” is the reboot of Europe’s longest running horror series. Originally conceived in 1973 and still running strong, the "John Sinclair” novellas are firmly rooted in the finest pulp tradition, true page turners with hair-rising tension, exquisite gore, and a dash of adventure. "John Sinclair” combines the dark visions of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and the "X-Files” with the fast-paced action and globe-trotting excitement of James Bond.

"A hero so suave and dashing, he makes James Bond look like a grubby detective sergeant, a plot that reads like it came straight from the great vaults of Hammer, and enough action and derring do to keep even the most ardent pulp fan smiling with glee... Highly recommended." Ginger Nuts of Horror.

Gabriel Conroy was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1967. After high school, he joined the armed forces and was stationed in Germany for several years. He discovered his love for writing while traveling through Europe. When he returned to the States, he studied Journalism at Los Angeles City College and UCLA, and currently works as a freelance journalist, writer, and translator. Mr. Conroy is married and has a dog and a cat.

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Gabriel Conroy


Gabriel Conroy ist das Pseudonym eines in Los Angeles lebenden Autors. Er studierte in Kalifornien Film und Journalismus und arbeitete lange in der Filmbranche. Unter seinem echten Namen schreibt er Romane und Artikel, übersetzt Bücher und unterrichtet Deutsch. Als Gabriel Conroy lebt er seine Vorliebe für Pulp, Thriller, Horror und Heftroman-Stories aus.

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Produktbild: John Sinclair - Episode 9 (9783732522590 )

John Sinclair - Episode 9

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