Jay Mason

The Howardsfield Horror

Alex Morgan. Paranormal InvestigatorEpisode 2Teil 2 der Reihe "PI - Paranormal Investigations"

Alex is convinced the lights that have been hovering over the local cornfields are connected to the activities at the high security science Centre where her parents work. But then Rusty’s younger sister, Cat, hopeful of seeing a UFO, is chased by a hideous creature. She claims that this is the monster from the local ghostly legend, the Howardsfield Horror. Alex and Rusty decide to investigate - until Joe Trend, the famous actor and amateur UFOlogist, gets in their way ...

The Series:

Alexandra Morgan, known as Alex, is a 19-year-old college student and the daughter of two prize-winning scientists. What no one knows is that in her free time Alex is a paranormal investigator who takes on a variety of mysterious cases. Together with her best friend Rusty and an online associate known only as c0nundrum, she unravels a conspiracy that will put her own life and that of her family in danger ...

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eBook (epub)


Science Fiction Romane


132 Seiten





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The Howardsfield Horror

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