Bunburry - A Difficult Position

A Cosy Mystery SeriesTeil 18 der Reihe "Countryside Mysteries: A Cosy Shorts Series"

Wedding bells are ringing In the picturesque village of Bunburry with the community coming together in joyful celebration. But the festive atmosphere takes a dark turn when the home of Rakesh Choudhury, the respected owner of Bunburry's popular Indian restaurant, is viciously attacked. As whispers of racism ripple through the tight-knit community, tensions rise. Who could have committed such a heinous act? Is the attack a targeted hate crime, or is something more sinister at play? There is an official police investigation, but amateur sleuth Alfie McAlister believes there are other jealousies and hidden grudges at play. Is he the only one who can uncover the truth?

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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar





eBook (epub)




127 Seiten





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Produktbild: Bunburry - A Difficult Position (9783751736916 )

Bunburry - A Difficult Position

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