Bunburry - False Truth

A Cosy Mystery SeriesTeil 16 der Reihe "Countryside Mysteries: A Cosy Shorts Series"

The Cotswolds village of Bunburry is not only picturesque but also historic, about to mark its 500th anniversary. Self-made millionaire and amateur sleuth Alfie McAlister is dreading the celebrations, having been coopted to make a speech from an outsider’s perspective, despite having lived in the village for more than four years. But Dorothy from the post office has worse concerns. She suspects the mayor of the neighbouring town of Rimingford is using the celebrations for dodgy dealings. It’s exactly the sort of situation to be investigated by the Bunburry Triangle: Alfie and his elderly friends Liz and Marge. But Dorothy decides she’s going to uncover the truth without any help. This could prove a dangerous mistake ...

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eBook (epub)




167 Seiten





Helena Marchmont


Helena Marchmont ist das Pseudonym von Olga Wojtas. Die schottische Schriftstellerin hat 2015 den Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award gewonnen und bereits über 30 Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Gerade ist auf Englisch ihr erster Roman “Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Golden Samovar” erschienen.

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© Antonia Reeve

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Bunburry - False Truth

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