Cotton FBI - Episode 05

The InfectionTeil 5 der Reihe "Cotton FBI: NYC Crime Series"

Digital Series. Episode 5:

The man with the inflamed stab wound in the Bedford specialty clinic is no ordinary patient. His name is Jeremiah Cotton, agent of the FBI, and he thwarted a biological weapon attack. Because he might be carrying the pathogen himself, he cannot leave the hospital grounds. Then one of the other patients dies under peculiar circumstances. Cotton starts to investigate - looked over by personnel as just a hobby detective and viewed with suspicion by hospital management. But then there is an attempt on Cotton's life and things get serious - and personal...

A new legend is born! COTTON FBI is a remake of a world famous cult series with more than one billion copies sold and appears bi-weekly with a self-contained story in each e-book episode.

1,99 €

inkl. MwSt.

Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar



Bastei Lübbe


eBook (epub)




100 Seiten


Englisch (USA)



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Produktbild: Cotton FBI - Episode 05 (9783838748726 )

Cotton FBI - Episode 05

1,99 €

inkl. MwSt.