Survivor - Episode 6
Übersetzt vonPeter Millar
Tree of LifeScience Fiction ThrillerTeil 6 der Reihe "Survivor: A Science Fiction Series"
SURVIVOR: A digital serial novel in 12 episodes. Episode 6.
Dr Gabriel Proctor and his fellow members of the SURVIVOR crew are looking for some possibility of recharging the empty energy module of their space ship. A group of rebels leads them to a hall, where the Chinks, the slave workers of the huge industrial complex, are being cultivated by a breeding machine. The embryonic invitros dangle in their cocoons from a central contraption like fruits from a giant tree. This tree is powered by a nuclear reactor. Proctor connects the energy cell to the reactor - and triggers a catastrophe.
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
Bastei Lübbe
eBook (epub)
Science Fiction Romane
56 Seiten
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Survivor - Episode 6
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